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Jim is a rude and self-centered young man. How does Jim feel about his future. Pin On Beautiful Foreign Phrases What would Amanda say motivates her nagging behavior toward her children. . If so identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing. As the plays action begins Amanda Wingfield nags her adult son Tom about how to eat his food. The Relationship Between Tom and Amanda Toms relationship with Amanda is very complicated. Describe the roles of Amanda Laura and Tom and how they inter5with each other Asked by Lui V 566841 on 11302016 517 AM. Amanda views it as her duty to push Tom to be more successful in his job and to train Laura to be a good potential wife and then help to procure a husband for her even if she has to force Laura. The first evidence of this is when they all sit down to eat dinner and Amanda. Jim feels _____ about his future. Amanda pretends that Laura has made the di...
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